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Unmet Behavioral Health Needs in Wayne County

Untreated behavioral health need has a significant cost to society over the course of an affected individual’s lifetime. A 2019 study conducted by Altarum showed that of the 1.76 million Michiganders experiencing a mental illness, about 62 percent receive treatment, leaving 38 percent—more than 666,000 people—with unmet need. Of the ten Michigan Prosperity Regions, the Southeastern Michigan Prosperity Region has the second highest unmet need for mental health treatment.

As a starting point to address unmet need in Wayne County, the Michigan Behavioral Health and Wellness Coalition commissioned Public Sector Consultants (PSC) to identify key health and demographic data at the census tract level to determine where individuals with unmet need likely reside in Wayne County. The data were used to assess the risk of unmet need for both adults and children in each legislative district to better understand this distribution across the county. In the statistics that follow, greater rankings are indicative of increased potential risk of unmet need by comparison to other districts.

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About the Michigan Behavioral Health and Wellness Collaborative

The Michigan Behavioral Health and Wellness Collaborative represents community mental health providers supporting the health needs of all individuals by delivering comprehensive, integrated care efficiently and cost effectively. Through the Collaborative, we share best practices, monitor legislative and regulatory proposals, and advocate for mental health providers. We work to help our agencies work more effectively through collaboration, increased awareness and capacity to serve a specific consumer base in Wayne County, Michigan. Learn more.