For Lauren, the thrill is in the little things—every quirky find is an adventure waiting to happen. Bizarre food combinations? She is fork ready. A northern Michigan gas station selling fur-lined trapper hats or snowmobile-helmet mugs? She must see it. Unexplored lakes and rivers? She’s practically teleporting there now.

Her zeal for life carries over into her role as director of data science and economics at PSC, where she delights in data minutiae. She leads the firm’s economic research and analysis services, providing technical expertise in designing and leading economic analyses; writing reports related to local, state, and national policy issues; supervising and mentoring a team of data scientists; and implementing improvement processes for analytic methods firmwide.

Prior to PSC, Lauren spent a decade at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, where she led the research team and provided data-driven insights for program and policy development.

Email: [email protected]

A Little More…

Education: BS in Urban and Regional Planning from Michigan State University, MPA in Local Government Administration from Western Michigan University

With PSC since: June 2024

PSC superpower: Data maven

Favorite part of working at PSC: The amazing people and wild variety of work

Why Michigan? The seemingly endless list of tiny beach towns to explore