Chris is an avid hiker and mushroom hunter. His time spent in nature fuels his passion for finding sustainable solutions and helping make a positive change so future generations can continue to enjoy the wonders of being outdoors.

Chris is a contractor account manager with the Indiana Energy Independence Fund (IEIF), a PSC-staffed nonprofit that does green energy financing. He builds relationships with contractors and identifies companies that offer energy efficiency and clean energy improvements to their customers. Through IEIF financing programs, more energy efficiency and renewable energy projects are improving the lives of Indiana residents and businesses.

Chris’s career path, starting as a Peace Corps volunteer after college and culminating in running his own business, has been dedicated to a variety of fields focusing on affordable housing, green building, energy efficiency, and renewable energy.

Email: [email protected]

A Little More…

Education: BS in Building Construction and Contracting, Purdue University, MA Interdisciplinary Studies, Arizona State University

With PSC since: June 2024

PSC superpower: Always finding a way to get it done, whatever it may be

Favorite part of working at PSC: Helping Hoosier homeowners and businesses save money through energy efficiency and renewable energy