The governor’s team called on PSC to support this bipartisan group in crafting collaborative policy recommendations that support Michigan’s population growth. PSC expertly guided the group through rigorous discussion, debate, and data analysis toward a shared understanding of Michigan’s population challenges and vision of a successful future.
Michigan’s aging water infrastructure has been ignored for too long. The conversation about our infrastructure needs to be brought above ground for good.
Michigan organizations frequently come together to address issues of water access and safety. These organizations often seek PSC’s expertise on water equity for resources and insight that they can’t find elsewhere. Our water-related projects run the gamut from small local watersheds to international shared waters of the Great Lakes.
The conclusion of our three-part series looks at the utility cliff looming ahead for many Michiganders and addresses the rising cost of water bills and how to keep residents from falling over the edge.
This is part two in a three-part series that takes a look at the utility cliff looming ahead for many Michiganders and the state and federal assistance available to keep them from falling over the edge.
Unseen infrastructure, such as water pipes, is vital despite going unnoticed. That’s why Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association enlisted PSC to determine how much Michigan was investing in its underground infrastructure and whether that investment was sufficient to meet necessary repairs and replacements.
PSC evaluated the adequacy of water infrastructure investment in the state, determining the funding necessary to upgrade statewide systems and facilities to meet current standards while also evaluating whether the current investments made by communities are adequate to address challenges.