As Michigan’s new energy laws were implemented and work on the grant from the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Michigan Energy Office (MEO) proceeded, it became clear that ...
In February 2015, the Michigan Association of United Ways (MAUW) received a two-year grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund (MHEF) to implement the Michigan Children’s Health Access Program (MI-CHAP). ...
Federal and state programs and funding are critical to protecting Michigan’s economy, environment, and quality of life. Michigan relies on the federal government to develop and enforce regulations, provide funding, ...
A new, comprehensive study examines the important role and value apprenticeships can play in filling the rapidly increasing need for skilled trades workers facing communities and industries across Michigan and the ...
From 2016 to 2017, Public Sector Consultants (PSC) staffed Gov. Rick Snyder’s 21st Century Education Commission. Under the leadership of chair Thomas Haas, president of Grand Valley State University, PSC facilitated an inclusive, ...
A New Approach to Fund Watershed Management: An Evaluation of Funding Mechanisms. Client: Macatawa Area Coordinating Council. Contact: Kelly Goward, Watershed Project Manager, 301 Douglas Ave., Holland, MI 49424. 616-395-2688, [email protected] Watershed management is a ...
Flat River Watershed Management Plan: Natural River Zoning Review. Client: Kent Conservation District. Contact: Connie Redding, (former) Executive Director, 3260 Eagle Park Dr. NE #111, Grand Rapids, MI 49525, 616-942-4111, ...
In the late 1990s, several states, including Michigan, began deregulating their electric utility markets in the hopes that competition in the gen-eration and sale of electricity would drive down consumer ...
Every day parents across Michigan make difficult decisions about who will care for their children when they go to school and to work. Some choose center-based programs. Others select providers ...
Today, unemployment in West Michigan is below 4 percent, suggesting a very strong underlying economy, and the region ranks high in several national studies of growth and quality of life. However, ...