The Early Childhood Program Inventory is a comprehensive look at state and federal investments that support Michigan’s children (from birth through age 8 or grade 3) and their families. The first version of the inventory was published in 2013. This version, published in 2015, provides a more up-to-date review of state and federal investments supporting Michigan’s young children. It is the most comprehensive look at early childhood programs, services, and infrastructure improvements that Michigan has ever compiled.
The inventory consists primarily of brief profiles of each program identified for inclusion. The profiles are designed to provide only basic programmatic information. For additional details, please reference the program’s website or the resources used to compile the profile (as listed in the footnotes).
The inventory is intended to be a resource for policymakers, parents, families, community members, program staff, state officials, advocates, and other interested stakeholders. To help readers locate specific programs and learn about how they fit into the broader system, the profiles are organized alphabetically by program area – community health, human services, education, and tax credits. These program areas are generally administered by the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), the Michigan Department of Human Services (MDHS), the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), and the Michigan Department of Treasury respectively.
A copy of the full report is available below.