Joy spent her childhood in Bangladesh and Malaysia, scuba diving in the South China Sea and visiting the Taj Mahal on spring break. She crafted detailed newsletters following her adventures, including photo collages and interviews with her siblings, and sent them to family members far away in Michigan. Sharing these stories helped the distance seem smaller. These days her adventures keep her closer to home, but Joy’s enthusiasm for storytelling and building connections remains.
As a marketing and events specialist, Joy helps tell the PSC story across print and digital platforms. She follows the firm’s work closely to draw out the most newsworthy elements, then strategizes the best methods to communicate them to the right audience in a way that is timely, accessible, and impactful. In addition to managing the PSC brand on social media, Joy plans events that celebrate the firm’s work and bring clients together to inspire future collaborations.
Before coming to PSC, Joy spent years at Michigan State University in International Studies and Programs. She specialized in marketing, organizing student engagement events, and providing intercultural communications training for campus and community entities.
Email: [email protected]
A Little More…
Education: BA in Journalism from Michigan State University
With PSC since: December 2024
PSC superpower: Transforming a 60-page report into a 100-character Instagram post
Favorite part of working at PSC: Every small task contributes to big changes for people in Michigan
Why Michigan? It’s a place where getting involved in your neighborhood and city really does make a difference. That and fresh cider and doughnuts in the fall!