Gerald “Mac” McCabe lives by three principles instilled in him by his parents: discipline, thrift, and family. These values pushed him toward a career as part-owner of a composite company serving the transportation industry and then into the energy-efficiency industry, where he saw an opportunity to help create a cleaner, greener Michigan for families like his. Over time, Mac became a self-professed “energy geek” and eventually started a company that helped families, utilities, and businesses conserve energy and save money. This long-time dedication to serving families while making Michigan a better place to live led him right to PSC.

Mac now serves as a senior partnerships manager for Michigan Saves, a PSC-managed nonprofit organization that stimulates and supports investment in energy-efficiency and renewable energy systems in homes, businesses, and public buildings. With PSC and Michigan Saves, Mac ensures that the most qualified people are serving the families and businesses of Michigan by coordinating and implementing contractor recruitment and training.

Prior to joining PSC, Mac owned and operated Michigan Energy, a company that provided affordable energy solutions for new home builders and homeowners. Before that, he worked at a Michigan-based tech start-up, where he developed a mobile application for residential contractors to use in the field.

Email: [email protected]

A Little More…

Education: BS in Business Administration from Central Michigan University

With PSC since: August 2019

PSC superpower: Small-business whisperer

Favorite part of working at PSC: Helping contractors improve their business and save the planet at the same time

Why Michigan? Because everyone has a built-in map on their hand