Even though she majored in English, as an undergraduate, Megan got just as excited about plotting formulas in her econometrics elective as she did writing essays on Shakespeare. She loved the boundless freedom and creativity of writing and found the same liberty in the precision of using numbers to quantify and solve problems. Bringing these two sides of her brain together, today Megan is a strategic and data-driven marketer who relishes opportunities to push boundaries with imaginative solutions.

At PSC, Megan is the Senior Marketing Coordinator for Michigan Saves, a multimillion-dollar nonprofit organization managed by PSC that helps Michigan residents secure financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects for homes, businesses, and public buildings. She brings her creativity and analytical mind to support Michigan Saves’ contractor outreach, online presence, and other projects to promote and advance the brand.

Prior to joining PSC, Megan was a Challenge Detroit Fellow using human-centered design thinking to support and grow Detroit-area nonprofits. She also worked in marketing and communications roles across technology and manufacturing sectors.

Email: [email protected]

A Little More…

Education: BA in English from Wayne State University

With PSC since: November 2023

PSC superpower: Always asking questions and digging deeper

Favorite part of working at PSC: The impactful work and passionate personalities at the office

Why Michigan? Four beautiful seasons and salt-free swimming