Ever since she decided to check out her middle school’s environment club, Nishaat has been curious about how we can mend our environment and improve the lives of the people around us. After realizing a laboratory career wasn’t for her, she shifted her focus from chemistry to people and policy. She took her analytical training to see what projects and policy could catalyze change for thousands or millions of people.

At Public Sector Consultants, Nishaat is the director of programs for Michigan Saves — a multimillion‐dollar nonprofit organization that assists residents across the state in securing financing solutions for energy updates to their home or business. She oversees the planning, development, and execution of projects within the organization, and ensures that project activities align with the organization’s mission to make energy improvement easy and affordable.

Prior to joining PSC, Nishaat held various sustainability-related positions in local government and the nonprofit sector. She was most recently the first-ever recycling coordinator for the City of Detroit, where she oversaw the expansion of the city’s residential and commercial recycling programs, grew outreach and education about recycling for staff and residents, and worked to electrify the city vehicles.

Email: [email protected]

A Little More…

Education: Butler University, BS in Chemistry and BS in Science, Technology, and Society, Northwestern University, MPPA

With PSC since: May 2022

PSC superpower: Constant connector of people and ideas

Favorite part of working at PSC: Everyone is willing to share their skills and expertise with you!

Why Michigan? Surviving Michigan/Detroit winters and wearing it like a badge of honor. Working my way through Detroit’s endless dining options.