The BlueTriton Brands Ice Mountain facility in Stanwood, Michigan, contributes significantly to the state and regional economies. The facility employs hundreds of Michigan residents, supports businesses regionally and statewide through the purchase of goods and services, and contributes to local and state tax revenue through property tax, income tax, and other tax mechanisms. This analysis estimates the total economic contribution of the facility to two geographic regions: the state of Michigan and the regional economy comprising Osceola and Mecosta Counties, where the facility is located. This analysis utilizes industry contribution analysis (ICA) to estimate the total value of the BlueTriton Brands facility to the state and two-county region.
PSC partnered with BlueTriton Brands to create a video that demonstrates the impact Ice Mountain bottled water operations have had locally and statewide.

BlueTriton Brands Ice Mountain Facility
About Our Economic Contribution Analysis
To conduct the analysis, Public Sector Consultants (PSC) used data and information that was provided by BlueTriton Brands about their 2021 operations. This information was used as the primary input into IMPLAN, an input-output economic modeling application used to estimate the economic benefits of businesses or industries and their resulting ripple effects. To ensure the results are as accurate as possible, 2019 IMPLAN data and the associated relationships were used. While 2020 data is available, 2019 represents the state and regional economies before the COVID-19 pandemic and is more likely representative of current economic conditions than 2020 or 2021, which were deeply impacted by the pandemic.
Economic Contribution
BlueTriton Brands directly employs 285 workers and pays $19.8 million in employee compensation at the Stanwood facility. PSC used the direct employees, employee compensation, and revenue as output to generate the facility’s overall contribution to the state’s economy. PSC used the same direct contribution estimates to generate the facility’s total contribution to the regional economy of Osceola and Mecosta Counties.
$50.4 million
Direct contribution to the state’s economy in gross state product
$8.6 million
Taxes levied at the state level
$47.5 million
Direct contribution to the regional economy in gross regional product
$2 million
Taxes levied at the county and local level
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