This report estimates the economic contributions of Michigan’s mobility industry to the state.
Over the last decade, PSC has researched and implemented numerous water affordability and assistance projects. We are often called upon to use our deep expertise in public policy development and ...
This report examines how Performance-Based Ratemaking (PBR) has been used throughout the United States, identifying common themes that can help shape Michigan’s strategy.
We worked with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners to develop a report that explores barriers and opportunities for the deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and
storage technology.
This report outlines the overall costs to maintain Michigan’s road network, current road funding estimates and revenue sources, as well as potential options for raising additional revenue to close the funding gap.
Public Sector Consultants examined ready to drink pricing before and after the tax changes, and the analysis shows dramatic price hikes/
PSC conducted analysis for BlueTriton Brands to estimate the total economic contribution of the Ice Mountain facility to two geographic regions: the state of Michigan and the regional economy comprising Osceola and Mecosta Counties.
This report examines how Performance-Based Ratemaking (PBR) has been used throughout the United States, identifying common themes that can help shape Michigan’s strategy.
This report estimates the economic contributions of Michigan’s mobility industry to the state.
This report is designed to address the historic problem with money’s influence on the justice system.