We recently added Carmen Siciliano as a senior consultant to our energy and environment team. In this role, Siciliano will conduct research and analysis of the energy and telecommunication sectors and provide strategic counsel for clients on issues related to energy policy and utility regulation.
If we have taken away anything from this year of data excess, it’s to not lose sight of the real-life outcomes woven through the lines on a chart. Each data point that fills up columns in a spreadsheet represents a person, a group of people, or a community. What we show up to do every day makes lived experience better because we investigated the numbers — and gave them a pulse.
This report examines how Performance-Based Ratemaking (PBR) has been used throughout the United States, identifying common themes that can help shape Michigan’s strategy.
Experts are calling Michigan’s postpandemic economic rebound among the best in the U.S., yet major challenges threaten this positive momentum. We worked with our own in-house expert economist, Stephan Vitvitsky, to analyze the good news of 2021’s economic recovery and four key areas that will have significant impact on the economic outlook for 2022.
Michigan’s aging water infrastructure has been ignored for too long. The conversation about our infrastructure needs to be brought above ground for good.
Public Sector Consultants is an independent public policy consulting firm based in Lansing with a mission to improve the quality of life for residents of Michigan and beyond.
If Michigan were to consider a new recycling plan, it would be more cost effective and efficient to phase out the bottle bill.
American Rescue Plan funds need to be used quickly and equitably in Michigan. How will you use this support to solve regional problems?
Michigan organizations frequently come together to address issues of water access and safety. These organizations often seek PSC’s expertise on water equity for resources and insight that they can’t find elsewhere. Our water-related projects run the gamut from small local watersheds to international shared waters of the Great Lakes.
The Michigan Department of Technology, Management, and Budget hired PSC to staff the 21st Century Infrastructure Commission and help them identify robust recommendations for a 50-year strategic plan for Michigan’s ...