According to a 2016 Pew Research Center survey, about a quarter of American adults report they have not read a book — in whole or in part — in the ...
Canine scent work isn’t just reserved for bomb detection and police investigations. Dogs with savvy sniffers are increasingly being used to detect the presence of human waste in our lakes, ...
You can’t escape it; nearly every day there is a disturbing report or news story warning us about the worst drug crisis in American history — the rampant opioid epidemic. ...
Powerful policy solutions and compelling marketing and communications products don’t take shape overnight. They’re the result of copious research, countless development meetings and a lot of hard work. But at ...
The Challenge How do you get a large group of people with disparate interests—many of whom are filled with trepidation—to agree about the year’s most contentious healthcare issue? That was ...
The Challenge Although Michigan had always had numerous programs and services designed to help our youngest children succeed, they were often uncoordinated and difficult to find, and too frequently failed ...
The Challenge To help build a more robust professional learning network for educators so they, in turn, could improve outcomes for students with disabilities, the U.S. Department of Education (U.S.DOE) ...
The Challenge On the heels of landmark energy legislation (Public Act 295) becoming law, Michigan’s state agencies immediately went to work making sure residents could take advantage of badly needed ...
The impact of cancer goes far beyond its physical effects. Many patients endure significant financial and personal hardships because of the exorbitant costs associated with cancer treatment. High cost-sharing requirements, ...
A year ago this month, Public Sector Consultants launched its new brand — a fresh, sunny look that we thought better reflected our enthusiasm for and commitment to creating innovative, ...