Public Policy Advisor

A periodic series that examines such subjects as fiscal and tax policy, health and environmental issues, and education policy and offers commentary on current or emerging political, social, and policy issues.

Election Watch

A periodic publication of observation, speculation, and commentary about state and federal political and election-year matters. Examines key issues, the political fortunes and campaigns of candidates, and anticipates how election outcomes will affect future state public policy.

Written by Craig Ruff, President and Senior Consultant for Public Policy.

Michigan Roundup

A one-page summary of Michigan legislative activity and political news of significance to government operations, public policy, and voter attitudes. Published weekly during legislative sessions and intermittently during legislative recesses.

Health Policy Bulletin

A monthly publication that provides analysis of important health care issues under consideration by the legislature, executive branch, and professional associations.

Written by Frances L. Faverman and Peter Pratt, Ph.D., senior consultants for health policy.

Michigan Economic Bulletin

A monthly review of economic indicators, state revenue receipts, appropriations and tax developments, and sources of additional information. Each issue contains an article of special focus, and each quarter a special insert analyzes economic data for ea of the seven Michigan regions.

Written by Robert J. Kleine, Vice President and Senior Economist, and Frances Spring, Senior Consultant for Economic and Tax Policy.

Michigan Commentary

A periodic publication that offers insight into current or emerging political, social, and policy issues.

Public Opinion Monitor

A periodic publication that reports results from our own statewide polls of public opinion on issues of the day and analyzes the implications. Most include trend data on the governor’s and legislature’s approval ratings, economic confidence of the public, and respondents’ political party affiliation.

Survey and analysis under the direction of William Sederburg, PSC Vice President and Director of the PSC Public Opinion Research Institute.
